Advance Planning For Powers Of Attorney And Personal Directives
A sudden accident, illness or other incapacitating event can easily rob anyone of the ability to make key decisions in life. At times like these, having the right legal protections in place is critical. At Bruce & Birklein Law, we can help you put these legal protections in place while helping you avoid problems that may arise with them.
Planning Ahead For The Unexpected
Two of the key legal instruments used in Alberta for advance care planning are:
- An Enduring Power of Attorney
- A Personal Directive
If you become unable to make important decisions or express your wishes, an Enduring Power of Attorney lets you select and appoint a trustworthy individual to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf. A Personal Directive authorizes the agent of your choice to make personal, social and health care decisions. It also lets you communicate your decisions on the use of extraordinary life-sustaining measures or other medical issues.
Our lawyers will take the time to fully discuss your situation and then draft the documents in a way that properly reflects your customized needs and wishes.
If You Are An Appointed Decision Maker
We can also assist if you are acting as a substitute decision maker. You may have questions or may be worried whether your actions are in line with applicable laws. We can provide reliable answers to your questions and address any problems that you may be encountering in the exercise of your duty.
Problems With Appointed Decision Makers
If you are concerned about how an appointed attorney or agent is exercising his or her duties toward an incapacitated loved one, our lawyers can assess the situation and help you find a legal solution. We can ensure that the proper accounts are passed and, if necessary, represent you in resolving the dispute.
Get Advice On Advance Care Planning Today
Come in for a complimentary consultation. We will answer your questions and provide a professional legal opinion. You can reach our Calgary office at 403-879-1912 or via our site’s online contact form. Office parking is free.